Role of the President
The President’s responsibilities include;
- Providing appropriate leadership to the Committee and the Society.
- Facilitating Committee discussions to ensure that core issues facing the Society are addressed.
- Monitoring Committee performance.
- Guiding and promoting the ongoing effectiveness and development of the Committee and individual Committee Members.
- Ensuring that all Committee Members understand their legal duties and responsibilities as laid down by the various Acts of Parliament which govern the Society's activities.
- To propose and assign membership of the Society Sub-Committees and authorise the publication of such Sub-Committee composition. Notwithstanding clause 14(2) of the Constitution, membership of Sub-Committee may also be assigned from the general membership of the Society.
- Provide an annual report to be published at the Annual General meeting
Date Approved: | 1 December 2015 |
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Role of the Treasurer
The Treasurer shall:
- Ensure systems and processes are in place to record the financial transactions of the Society to facilitate audit, statutory and management reporting requirements.
- Review management accounts and identify areas of concern or areas for improvement and convey views to the Management Committee as appropriate.
- Work with the Sub-Committees to ensure they consider and are made aware of the risk and financial aspects of any proposals or decisions.
- Maintain membership records
- Undertake the annual membership renewal activity
- Ensure the Society's investments achieve an optimum balance between investment return, risk and liquidity requirements.
- Review Insurance Policies on an annual basis to ensure all aspects are properly covered, insurances are up-to-date and provided by reputable suppliers. The Review will be presented to the Management Committee for sign-off.
- Ensure that the financial aspects of employee records are maintained. Ensure employee agreements are in place and salaries are reviewed at least annually and presented to the Management Committee for approval.
- Prepare Treasurers report for inclusion in the annual report.
- Oversee preparation of final year accounts, seek approval by the Management Committee and present them at the Annual General Meeting for approval by members.
- Assist the President with communications to members.
- Participate in review of strategic plan, to be undertaken on an annual basis.
Date Approved: | 1 December 2015 |
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Role of the Vice-President (Captain)
Notwithstanding clause 14(3) of the Constitution, the office of Vice-President shall - in the general tradition of golf club office bearer nomenclature - generally be referred to as Captain, whose role shall be:
- To chair the Match Sub-Committee,
- To prepare policies or recommendations for discussion by the committee in the following areas:
- Input on subscription fees.
- Strategies for encouraging new members.
- New member procedures.
- Communication to members.
- Member satisfaction.
- Golf events calendar.
- Conditions of Play.
Date Approved: | 1 December 2015 |
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Role of the Secretary
The Secretary shall:
- record minutes and action items arising from Management Committee meetings
- distribute meeting agendas and meeting minutes in accordance with procedure Committee Minutes & Report Packs
- collect annual reports from each Sub-Committee and the President's Report and compile the Society annual report to be presented at the Annual General Meeting
Date Approved: | 1 December 2015 |
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Role of the Ordinary Committee Members
Notwithstanding specific input required of their membership of Sub-Committee, all Ordinary Committee Members shall offer input and discussion in the following areas:
- Input on subscription fees.
- Strategies for encouraging new members.
- New member procedures.
- Communication to members.
- Member satisfaction.
Date Approved: | 1 December 2015 |
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Role of the Golf NSW Delegate
The Golf NSW delegate is appointed to the Committee to represent the interests of that body as a benefactor of the Society. It is expected that the delegate will:
- provide suitable reports to Golf NSW regarding the activities of the Society, with a copy of the report tabled at the next scheduled AGHS Committee meeting,
- provide feedback - where applicable - from Golf NSW
Date Approved: | 1 December 2015 |
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Role of the NSW PGA Delegate
The PGA (NSW/ACT Division) delegate is appointed to the Committee to represent the interests of that body as a benefactor of the Society. It is expected that the delegate will:
- provide suitable reports to PGA (NSW/ACT Division) regarding the activities of the Society, with a copy of the report tabled at the next scheduled AGHS Committee meeting,
- provide feedback - where applicable - from PGA (NSW/ACT Division)
Date Approved: | 1 December 2015 |
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Attendance at Committee Meetings
It is expected that committee members attend a minimum of 75% of scheduled committee & sub-committee meetings on which they serve.
Notwithstanding clause 14(2) of the Constitution, the Management Committee shall seek representation from major sponsors of the Society to attend and contribute to Management Committee Meetings.
Date Approved: | 1 December 2015 |
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Sub-Committee – History
This Sub-Committee shall consist of members of
the Management Committee and those ordinary members of the Society
as invited by the Management Committee. The full list of committee
members shall be published as soon as possible after the Annual
General Meeting.
The chairperson of the Sub-Committee shall provide an annual
report to be included in the Society annual report and published
at the Annual General Meeting.
Date Approved: | 1 December 2015 |
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Sub-Committee – Museum
This Sub-Committee shall consist of members of
the Management Committee and those ordinary members of the Society
as invited by the Management Committee. The full list of committee
members shall be published as soon as possible after the Annual
General Meeting.
The Museum Sub-Committee:
- shall consist of at least 3 members of the Management Committee and the Curator/Collection Manager,
- is charged with ensuring activities in the Museum maintain adherence to the Museum Policies.
- shall meet regularly and report to the Management Committee on activities undertaken and in progress.
- shall ensure that all Society publications (e.g. The Brassie and website eNewsletter) are distributed in a timely fashion as agreed by Management Committee, and
- shall consult with other Sub-Committees to negotiate content for communication with members.
The chairperson of the Sub-Committee shall
provide an annual report to be included in the Society annual
report and published at the Annual General Meeting.
Date Approved: | 1 December 2015 |
Last Date Amended: | 9 March 2018 |
Sub-Committee – Match
This Sub-Committee shall consist of members of
the Management Committee and those ordinary members of the Society
as invited by the Management Committee. The full list of committee
members shall be published as soon as possible after the Annual
General Meeting.
The Match Sub-Committee:
- Shall arrange a minimum number of Society sponsored hickory events throughout the year including but not limited to the major events being:
- Dan Cullen Trophy
- Al Howard Memorial Trophy
- Australian Hickory Shaft Championship (including President's Putter)
- Bobby Locke Trophy
- Shall make arrangements to support and encourage other hickory events staged by both member and non-member groups
- Shall publish the results of all Society sponsored events in the Society website and in the newspaper with the word 'hickory' included in the event description.
- Shall compile and endorse conditions of play which are consistent across all events being sponsored or encouraged
The chairperson of the Sub-Committee shall
provide an annual report to be included in the Society annual
report and published at the Annual General Meeting.
Date Approved: | 1 December 2015 |
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Sub-Committee - Membership
This Sub-Committee shall consist of members of
the Management Committee and those ordinary members of the Society
as invited by the Management Committee. The full list of committee
members shall be published as soon as possible after the Annual
General Meeting.
The Membership Sub-Committee:
- Shall oversee strategies for encouraging new members.
- Proactively
The chairperson of the Sub-Committee shall
provide an annual report to be included in the Society annual
report and published at the Annual General Meeting.
Date Approved: | 1 December 2015 |
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Fees and Subscriptions
For the purposes of Clause 8(1), the fee for
admission to the Society shall be $0
For the purposes of Clause 8(2), the fee for annual membership of
the Society shall be $50
Date Approved: | 1 December 2015 |
Last Date Amended: | 2 June 2019 |
Non-Disclosure of Confidential Information
Non-public, proprietary or confidential information (including all decisions of meetings of the Committee and its Sub-Committee’s) and knowledge of data regarding the Society may not be used, communicated or disclosed by any committee member, sub-committee member or employee to any person (whether that person be a member of the Society or not) without specific authorisation from the Committee or the person responsible for such information, knowledge or data.
This policy is also applied to all data
maintained by the Society which deals with member contact details
subject to the Society's Privacy Policy.
Date Approved: | 1 December 2015 |
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Communication with Members
Matters regarding golf competitions, functions, golf history, museum activities are communicated by way of the website, a newsletter (The Brassie), an email, or the best combination of the three. The newsletter is posted on the website. Archived copies are also kept available on the website.
Date Approved: | 1 December 2015 |
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Review of Policies
A continuing review of policies is essential to
keep them consistent and relevant. Policies are to be reviewed on
an ongoing basis and the Policy Manual is to be amended as policy
issues are dealt with in the normal course of conducting Committee
Date Approved: | 1 December 2015 |
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Policy Review Methodology
To assist with the review of Committee Policies and to ensure that all committee members have a working knowledge of the reasoning behind the Policies, the following method of review will be instituted:
All Committee Meeting Agendas will have included in them, a permanent agenda item:
"Are there any Policy outcomes from this meeting YES / NO
If no matters from the current meeting impact on Committee Policy, then the matter is resolved and appropriately disposed of.
If it is determined that any of the outcomes from the current meeting do have an impact on current Policies, or do have a need to be expressed in a new Policy, then one committee member, assigned under rotation around the Committee, will be assigned to drafting the content of the Policy or making a draft amendment to the existing Policy.
Such draft will be submitted to the Board at the next meeting for approval.
Care should be taken when submitting Policies or changes to Policy that further debate on the subject is limited to the accuracy of the draft and not content of the draft.
Having been approved, the Policy or changes to an existing Policy will be published and the date of amendment shall be revised to reflect the date of approval.
Wherever possible, a statement of reasoning should accompany any Policy or Policy change.
The writer of the Policy should consult with
the Secretary with regard to the accuracy of interpretation and
resolution prior to the submissions of drafts for approval.
There are many reasons for adopting this Policy and ensuring that it becomes a habit of practice.
The reason for committee members being assigned in rotation for the task of drafting such statements is to ensure that all committee members have a current working knowledge of the Policies.
In reality, in the absence of this methodology:
- Committee Policy review occurs sporadically and infrequently.
- Knowledge of Committee Policy amongst the committee members is poor at best.
- Issues which are resolved at Committee Meetings are destined to be recorded in minutes and likely to be lost and forgotten in the Committee consciousness. These same issues will likely never be carried forward to future Committees.
Under the auspices of this Policy:
- Committee Policy review will be ongoing.
- Knowledge of, and engagement with, Committee Policy by the committee members will be significantly improved.
- New committee members will benefit significantly from the knowledge base accumulated by the Society.
- Significant time savings will be accrued in meetings by avoiding matters which have been dealt with recently.
- A statement of reasoning will deliver to future Committees an exposure to what is possibly lengthy prior Committee deliberations.
- Time expended in Operational and Strategic decision-making will be significantly shortened.
Date Approved: | 1 December 2015 |
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Committee Minutes & Report Packs
All reports to be delivered at meetings are to be in written format, and are to be provided to the Secretary for inclusion in Committee packs. Committee packs will be circulated electronically prior to the meeting to allow Committee members to familiarise themselves with the content.
Committee meetings will be conducted on the assumption that everyone has read and is familiar with the material, particularly with the agenda and any memorandums to be discussed at the meeting.
Committee minutes are to be circulated
electronically by the Secretary as soon as possible following the
Date Approved: | 1 December 2015 |
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Publication of the Annual Report
The Committee acknowledges the right of any
member of the Committee or Sub-Committee who is required to submit
a report for the Annual Report to write the report without
interference. However, before any such report be released in the
Annual Report to members, the author thereof should take counsel
from the Committee in general meeting in relation to the proposed
content of a report to ensure that there is no misleading or
unintended misrepresentation contained therein.
Date Approved: | 1 December 2015 |
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Strategic Planning
The Strategic Plan should be reviewed annually
and updated if necessary. All Committee decisions must be in
harmony with the strategic plan. If a decision is made contrary to
the strategic plan, the Strategic Plan should be updated.
Date Approved: | 1 December 2015 |
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