Australian Golf Heritage Society Historians
The Historian Sub-Committee aims to promote an interest in, and knowledge of, the history of golf in Australia.
Research into golf history in Australia is a continuous activity at AGHS, and this section is specifically dedicated to the latest and or most relevant research in this area. There will also be a collection of articles dealing with topics which have received specific attention and research efforts.
The Australian Golf Heritage Society welcomes continued dialogue on these areas from anyone able to provide primary source evidence of golfing activities which show differences to the ones contained on this website. Should anyone have information they wish to share, they should contact the history sub-committee – see contacts page.
Oral Histories - the output of an ongoing Society project to record interviews with golf professionals, administrators, amateurs, and personalities.
Articles - primarily written by AGHS members - are a feature of the work done by the historian arm of the Society, and are worthy of your perusal.
History Nuggets - Test your knowledge of golf history with these sometimes obvious, sometimes not so obvious, and sometimes painfully obscure questions on golf.
Resources for historians offer readers access to publications, information and specialists intended to make your research project as easy as possible to complete.