The AGHS has - at its disposal - a number of resources which are available to both individual and club members, and members of the public subject to availability and access.
Travelling Exhibition
The Australian Golf Heritage Society's Mobile Exhibition Case is a purpose built, museum-standard cabinet which can be used in a wide variety of situations to display golf artifacts, historical objects specific to your club, or to promote and enhance your club's activities and events.* With the resources at its disposal, the Society can come up with a meaningful display catalogue to suit the majority of circumstances. The display requires a footprint of approximately three metres x one metre, and clearance of approximately two metres. Installation, removal, on-site training and transport is organised and carried out by the AGHS. If you think that the Mobile Exhibition Case would be suitable for any display in your clubhouse or pro-shop, the AGHS would be pleased to assist in any way that it can. * Preference is given to supporting clubs, but we try to assist wherever and whenever we can. |
The Museum's reference library holds over 1,000 books and documents (cataloguing is still in progress) of various age, topic and authorship. These volumes cover a wide range of golfing topics and themes, including:
- Golf instruction & theory,
- General history,
- Equipment history,
- Club history,
- Rules history,
- Biography,
- Autobiography,
- Yearbooks & almanacs,
- Anecdotes & humour
- Scrapbooks,
- Autograph books
- Maps, plans & diagrams
Details coming soon.
Collection Records and Software
Details coming soon.
Tactile displays
Details coming soon.